Newsletter nga Superfood

English Version


Ju sjellim ne shtepine/punen tuaj:
Paketa ushqimi BIO me Super-ushqime per energji te larte, lekure te shkelqyeshme dhe kontroll peshe
.Termi Superfood ose Super-ushqim , u shfaq kohët e fundit duke karakterizuar nje ushqim 100% te natyrshem si super-ushqim kur ai përmban një sasi të koncentruar të vlefshme per organizmin si antioksidantë, vitamina, minerale , acide omega – 3 yndyrore dhe fibra. Konsumi i super-ushqimve ka efekte të dobishme në trupin e njeriut. Me fuqine e fortë te antioksidanteve që ata permbajne ofrojnë: anti-plakje; ndihmojnë në parandalimin e sëmundjeve kronike; rrisin metabolizmin duke mbeshtetur humbje ne peshe.

Paketa ditore
1 vakt Bio: 800 Leke
– me superfood: 950 Leke
2 vakte Bio: 1.600 Leke
– me superfood: 1.900 Leke

Pakete Javore
1 vakt ne dite: 3.500 Leke
– me superfood: 4.300 Leke
2 vakte ne dite: 7.000 Leke
– me superfood: 8.600 Leke

Paketa mujore
1 vakt ne dite: 12.000 Leke
– me superfood: 17.000 Leke
Dy vakte ne dite: 24.000 Lek
– me superfood: 34.000 Lek

Mos e lini veten pas dore!
Shumica prej nesh kujdesen me shume per makinat, rrobat ose te dukurit me mire, sesa te kujdesemi per trupin tone. Ironia eshte se te gjitha keto jane te zevendesueshme, por trupi yne nuk eshte. Por eshte e mundur te ndryshojme menyren tone te te ushqyerit dhe jeta do te behet me e kendshme ne kete menyre.
Kur eshte fjala per prodhimin e ushqimit, shumica e asaj qe ne konsumojme, si nje te tere, eshte ushqim i perpunuar. Kjo do te thote qe ushqimi nuk eshte ne gjendjen e tij natyrale, por eshte ndryshuar ne nje fare menyre qe ka te bej me shijen, ngjyren etj. Shpesh here ushqimet e shendetshme behen ushqime jo-te shendetshme pasi ato jane perpunuar, sepse ato qe I shtohen ushqimeve behen te demshme per shendetin tone.
Ushqimet e perpunuara nuk mund te treten mire nga organizmi dhe ky eshte nje faktor qe ndikon ne rritjen e peshes. Konsumi i vakte te fresketa te gatuara me produkte natyrore ndihmon ne humbjen e peshes. Pjatat tona jane me perberes te fresket, duke marre ne konsiderate sasine e proteinave, karbohidrateve dhe hekurit qe gjenden te perberesit ne menyre qe te sigurohet nje vakt me baze bimore qe ndikon ne humbjen e peshes.
Te gjitha paketat mund te rezervohen me super-ushqime si Fara Chia, Spirulina, Fara Kerpi, Goji etj. Super-ushqimet kane perqendrim te larte te vitaminave, mineraleve dhe antioksidanteve, te cilet jane provuar qe ndihmojne ne humbjen e peshes dhe jane kunder plakjes.

Paketa me
Nje ose dy vakte ne dite, sipas deshires tuaj.
E sjellim ne shtepine ose zyren tuaj!
Na kontaktoni

Perberes Bio me vlera te larta ushqimore
Gatim dhe ambalazhim me standarde te larta !

Oferte e vecante
Rezervimet per here te pare perfitojne
10% zbritje per paketen mujore

Oferte e vecante
Rezervimet ne grup mbi 4 persona perfitojne
20% ulje per paketat javore dhe mujore

Si funksionon:
1. Ne jua sjellim paketen e ushqimit bio ne shtepine ose punen tuaj te Hene deri te Premte ora 12:00 deri 17:00.
2. Ju mund ta konsumoni paketen bio ushqim tek ambjenti i kendshem i restorantit/kafes SUPERFOOD tek Vila Alba.


Per rezervime

Lutemi telefononi 069 9954433 ose na shkruani [email protected]

Vendndodhja jone

SUPERFOOD te Vila Alba
Rruga Xhorxhi Martini 10 (afer pedonales)

We deliver to your home or work Lunch and/or Dinner packages cooked with fresh ingredients alternatively enriched with superfoods – for high energy, glowing skin and weight control.
The term Superfood, appeared recently characterizing 100% natural food which contains a highly concentrated amount of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, omega – 3 fatty acids and fibers. Their consumption has beneficial effects on the human body, in particular with the strong power of antioxidants they provide: anti-aging, help to prevent chronic diseases and support weight loss.

Daily package
1 bio meal: 800 Leke
– with superfoods: 950 Leke
2 bio meals: 1.600 Leke
– with superfoods: 1.900 Leke

Weekly package
1 bio meal: 3.500 Leke
– with superfoods: 4.300 Leke
2 bio meals: 7.000 Leke
– with superfoods: 8.600 Leke

Monthly package
1 bio meal: 12.000 Leke
– with superfoods: 17.000 Leke
2 bio meals: 24.000 Lek
– with superfoods: 34.000 Lek

Don’t forget to take care of yourself!
Most of us look after our cars, clothes or possessions better than we look after our own body. The irony is that those things are replaceable but our body is not. But it is possible to change our ways and actually life can be even more enjoyable this way.
When it comes to food production, a lot of what we consume, as a whole, is processed food. This means it is food that is not in its natural form but instead has been altered in some way having to do with flavor, color, shelf life etc. Often healthy foods become very unhealthy after they have been processed, as much of what is added to the foods is harmful to our health. Processed foods cannot be digested well by the body and are therefore an additional factor for gaining weight. Eating fresh meals cooked with natural products supports weight loss.
Our plates are composed of fresh ingredients taking into consideration the amount of proteins, carbs and iron contained in the ingredients in order to ensure a nutricious plant based meal and support weight loss.
NEW: All packages can also be booked with superfoods such as chia seeds, spirulina, hemp seeds, goji etc. Superfoods have a high concentration of vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants and are proved to support anti aging and weight loss.

One or two meals a day, as your wish.
We deliver it to your home or office.
Contact us

Bio ingredients with high nutritional values
High quality cooking and packaging!

Special Offer
First time reservations get 10% discount for the monthly package.

Special Offer
Group (over 4 people) reservations get 20% discount for the weekly and monthly package.

How it works:
1. We deliver meal packages to your home or work place in Tirana from Monday to Friday between 12:00 – 17:00
2. You can consume your meal package at the comfortable restaurant/kafe at Vila Alba


For booking

Please call 069 9954433 or mail to [email protected]

Our location

SUPERFOOD te Vila Alba
Rruga Xhorxhi Martini 10 (afer pedonales)




